Happy Saturday!

It’s time for our second spotlight of the season! Like I said before, one of the BEST ways to grow as a performer/instructor/designer/etc, is to really be involved in industry by watching shows to see trends and performance at the highest level.

This week’s spotlight has consistently changed the colorguard game and broken down barriers previously thought impossible.


First of all, yes this is a middle school–a middle school who has OFFICIALLY been promoted to Scholastic Open! Check out the official post here.

Now let’s talk about what amazing this program.

  1. The professionalism of the members. Honestly, before they even start their show, you know you’re about to see something amazing. The way they carry themselves from the moment they walk into the gym is a level of professionalism that many try to replicate. You can tell that they aren’t hoping to have a good run–that they’re EXPECTING it, and you should be too.
  2. The shapes. There’s this recurring theme utilizing angles to the fullest extent. From the floor, to the costumes, to the use of the equipment, the clarity in which they are expressing the themes in the show is amazing.
  3. The catches. Are there mistakes? Sure. But you should’ve heard my gasp after that first rifle ripple in the beginning. These performers know how to catch their equipment with intentionality that isn’t even always present in WORLD CLASS (reminder this is a middle school).

I, for one, can’t WAIT to see what this show looks like in Dayton. It’s already elevated and knowing this program, they are going to bring the same magic they always bring to open class this year.

Congratulations to the cast and staff for your promotion! We’re rooting for you!

What do you love about this show? Comment below!

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